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HHD 2024/5785 Registration

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2024/5785

Please log into your Congregant Shulcloud Account before filling out this form. Your login is your email address; if you do not know your password, choose forgot password to create one. Click HERE to log in, then return to this form link.

CLICK HERE to download a schedule of all our High Holy Day Worship opportunities if wish to view it before registering.

We look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you!

High Holy Day tickets will be mailed to all congregants who have registered and fulfilled their financial obligations to our sacred community. If you are not sure if you are current, you can check your online congregant portal or call our office. Additionally, congregants who plan to attend any of our High Holy Days services online will receive a link to register for our High Holy Days livestreamed services. You will need to use the same unique access link to attend all online High Holy Days Services.  Each link will only work on one device at a time.

Section 1:  Worship Registration

An email address is only needed if your under 26 year old family member will need a unique access link to attend online services.  

In addition to children under 26, we welcome additional adult family members to our worship, and additional guests (friends, neighbors, distant cousins, etc.).  Congregation Shir Shalom depends on the financial support of our sacred community.  

We suggest a contribution in support of Congregation Shir Shalom of $125 for each additional adult family member (children of congregants under 26 living at home included above).  Family guests under age 13 do not need a ticket.

We suggest a contribution of $360 for each unrelated guest (or distant relation), or $720 per family; (A family is considered one or two adults and up to three children, age 25 or younger), good for all services.

We are also committed to welcoming everyone who wishes to join us.  Financial assistance is available.  Please contact our Director of Finance and Operations, Eric Lyga (

Additional Adult Family
We suggest a contribution in support of Congregation Shir Shalom of $125 per additional adult family member. Please confirm the number of family guests under the Guest payment portion below.
Names of Family Guests:
If an email address is provided, each adult guest will be sent a unique online access link to attend our livestreamed services in case they cannot join us in person.

Additional Guests:
We suggest a contribution of $360 per additional guest or $720 per family. (A family is considered one or two adults and up to three children, age 25 or younger), good for all services. 
Please confirm the number of guests under the Guest payment portion below.
Names of Additional Guests:
If an email address is provided, each adult guest will be sent a unique online access link to attend our livestreamed services in case they cannot join us in person.

Registration/Ticket Payment
   Additional Family Members: ($125 per guest)
   Additional Guests ($360 per guest)
   Additional Guest Family ($720): one or two adults and up to three children, age 25 or younger.
   Out-of-Area Congregant Ticket: ($150 per person)We suggest a contribution of $125 for each additional adult family member (other than children under 25, living at home). 
Family guests under age 13 do not need a ticket. 
And $360 for each unrelated guest or $720 a family. 
Contributions of these suggested amounts will be included in the total at the end of this registration form. 

Please select the third option below if you would like to make a contribution other than the suggested amount.

Section 2:  Donation Opportunities
To ensure our High Holy Days observances and celebrations are meaningful and welcoming for everyone, we rely on your support to defray necessary costs. 
Some specific High Holy Days expenses in need of your generous support:
Police / Security: $5,000
High Holy Day Musicians: $5,000
Live Stream / Video Production: $3,600
Yom Kippur Break Fast: $3,600
Rosh Hashanah Oneg: $2,700

Youth High Holy Day Prayer Books: $2,500
Yizkor Memorial Book Production: $1800

Erev Rosh Hashanah Oneg: $1,000
Shuttle Transportation: $1,000
Sustaining Donation (Apply to area of need): $1000
Babysitting: $720

General Donation (Apply to area of need): $180

Please consider a donation to underwrite our High Holy Days expenses (enter amount in box):
Your generous investment in our sacred work is needed and appreciated. All donations to our High Holy Days are unrestricted.

In addition to general donations for our expenses, we offer additional donation opportunities through prayer book dedications and Yizkor Memorial Book Listings:
A.  Prayer Book Dedications 
Mishkan HaNefesh 
            (2-volumes; $54 per set)

Your generosity will be acknowledged with a dedication book label in a set of our High Holy Days prayer books.
Please include name(s) or event(s).
B.  Yizkor (Memorial) Book
Our Yizkor (Memorial) Book is printed each Yom Kippur and used throughout the year when Yizkor prayers are recited (Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach, and Shavuot).  This year we will share names online during our Yizkor worship on Yom Kippur afternoon and print a limited number of books, please note if you would like a printed copy.  

Including names of loved ones honors their memory and supports our sacred community as a living reminder of values they cherished.  It is a Jewish custom to contribute multiples of Chai ($18) in memory of your loved ones and we suggest a donation of at least $18 per name to honor the memory of your loved ones.

A online copy of last year's (5784/2023) Yizkor Book is available to review your past entries but after viewing please hit the "back" button, closing the view will close this registration form, or to avoid this, open a new blank form and then: (CLICK HERE)
Thank you for your donation for inclusion in our Yahrzeit Memorial Book.

C.  Borrow Prayer Book Sets
You will be able to follow along in our prayer book (Mishkan HaNefesh) on screen during our online worship.  If you would prefer, hard copies of our High Holy Days prayer books (including a limited number of large print volumes) are available to elevate your worship experience and inspire you throughout the High Holy Days.   A suggested donation of $54 per set is appreciated.  (If the books are not returned, we will assume you have chosen to keep them, and we will bill your account $54 per set.)

Thank you for completing our online High Holy Days Registration form! 
We look forward to celebrating and observing with you soon!
We especially want to know how we may better accommodate you.
If paying by check or at a later date, please choose "Bill to My Account" on the payment page.  If this is not a visible choice, please be sure you are logged into your online congregant account. Your email is your login name, and if you do not have a password, please select forgot password to create one.  
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785